The weather here today is cold, overcast and bleak, the kind of winter's day when I just long for summer. I miss the opressive heat of a summertime Brisbane today. I long for the days when the heat ramps up and I wake to see small wisps of black cloud appearing. Not many, however my life up in the mountains taught me that the small black wisps held the promise of thunderheads by early afternoon, building high in the sky and all that power exploding late in the day with noise and drama and pouring rain. After the storms had moved away high on the plateau, their thunder rolls becoming muted as they headed down over the Gold Coast and out to sea, the mountain air would turn icy cold and you would thrill with the sharpness of the atmosphere as you wrapped it round you. Today in Brisbane is not such a day. It is miserable and you want it just to be over and maybe the sun will shine tomorrow. Consequently my creative juices have stalled for now and the block in the photo still waits for further embellishment when I am in a sunnier state of mind.
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