I finishing quilts for my yearly showing in the local library.  I like to do this showing because it is where I live and create.  Somehow its important, to belong and have a sense of place and I hope my work reaches out to my local community who visit the library.  I live in a suburb by the bay, cohesiveness of community via knowing everyone is impossible, its not like the country towns I have inhabited in my life's journey.  It lacks the easy going friendliness of a small town  simply because of its size. 

I made the top of this quilt using rusted nails and wire.  Was not happy with it so never completed it, something seemed to be missing and yesterday I decided to add the hand dyed fabric and extra wire circle rusted piece on the bottom, loved it the moment I laid the green fabric down.  Sometimes quilts take a very long time, we have an idea and create but we have to wait for the completion till something else presents and  forms the whole. A bit like life really, we have to allow for time in the process and then the magic happens.  

We have waited a long time this summer for rain and finally it has arrived in the last two weeks, including a downpour one night and our roof leaked big time in the family room.  More rain is hovering today making it difficult to see to sew, more waiting till it clears away and I can finally bring this quilt to fruition.  Meantime the grass has finally greened and the lemon trees have been saved by the wet weather.  Patience in all things, quilting, waiting for rain, live in the day and accept what comes.    


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