Yesterday saw me moving all the treadles to new positions in the house. I should really say saw my husband moving them, I just gave the instructions and he did the heavy lifting. My hero! The machines had become suppositories for all sorts of adornments they were never meant to carry, like dolls I rescued from the Blind Op Shop, glass baubles, paintings and the list of dust collectors goes on and on. I dropped the 319K into a treadle base and now I have myself a real fancy treadle that does real fancy stitches. She is heavier to treadle than my other gals so I would imagine that is because of her heavy gearing mechanism. So now I can treadle zig zag to my heart's content. I can do embroidery stitches and intergrate them into my crazy patchwork. Speaking of which, I had given my cousin a quilt for a kind act he did for me some time ago. Imagine my surprise when he told me he had entered it in a country show in NSW and it had won a "Highly Commended". I was delighted and he made my day. I have never entered any of my quilts in anything so he actually did me a favour and I love him for it. Thankyou Cousin Robert. So today's photo is of the 319K in her new base and may she make many crazy quilts! Well, three tries to upload the photo to no avail, so post now and photo later today when I work out why I am having troubles with adding the pic.


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